Template editor improvements

about 1 year ago

We released a few updates to the template editor to continue to improve the email template design and editing experience, as well as to create a cohesive editing experience across the platform. Here are all the improvements:

  • Custom adjustments: For most of the elements in the email, you could only change the margin, padding, or content width based on specific settings we had. Now, you can input specific px measurements to get the spacing you want and create a look you need for your email.
  • Additional layout columns: You can now add layout blocks with up to three columns to create even more dynamic email designs.
  • Block menu in layouts: Instead of pre-set options in layout blocks, you now have access to the full content block menu in layouts as well.
  • Layout UI: For all layout blocks, you can now use the up and down arrows to easily move them around your email. In addition, there are also handy tools to duplicate or delete the layout.

We hope this update to the template editor continues to improve the way you build your email newsletters.